from The Centre for Oral History’s public interviews with residents connected
to the neighbourhoods surround the Lachine Canal, addendum consisted in
my daily interjection of citations from these interviews in response to Jenny
Holzer’s projection work For Leonard Cohen. Holzer’s work, which was commissioned
by Musée d’Art Contemporain, consisted in curated text from Cohen’s writings
projected on the face of Silo 5, an iconic, abandoned grain elevator in
Montréal’s Old Port. The citations aimed in both direct and playful ways to
pose questions around access, commemoration, and the role of art in public
space, initiating multiple dialogues onsite. For one evening of the intervention,
the work was performed collaboratively with a group of graduate students from
Concordia studying the global histories of deindustrialization.
(performance documentation courtesy of Angie Arsenault, Holly Fedida, and Benjamin Montague)
(performance documentation courtesy of Angie Arsenault, Holly Fedida, and Benjamin Montague)